Dates October 1-October 31
How it Works
Walk or run 1 mile each day-(indoors or outdoors)
While your welcome to do more only 1 mile will count per day toward your 31 mile goal
Log Your mile daily in the app to stay on track and keep your streak alive
Score Reps
Challenge: Complete 1 Mile Every Day (Walk or Run) for 31 Days in October!
You can do more, but only 1 mile will count per day toward your 31 mile goal
1 Rep = 1 Mile
5 Box Squats @ 65% 1RM Back Squat + 5 Heavy Goblet Squats
3 Sets
5 Box Squats @ 75% 1RM Back Squat + 5 Heavy Goblet Squats )
Box Squat to just below parallel
Score Goblet Squat weight in notes
1 Set
:30 Ski
10 PVC Pass Through
3 Box Jump w Step Down
10 PVC Squat Snatch
3 Burpee
10 PVC Overhead Squat
Warm Up to Workout weights and heights
3 Sets
2 Rounds
11 Overhead Squats (95/65)
9 Box Jumps (24/20) No rebound
7 Burpee Over Bar (Lateral or facing)
Time Cap: 4 mins Each Set
Rest 1:1
Flow: 11, 9, 7, 11, 9, 7 Rest
Repeat 2 more times after 1:1 Rest
3 Rounds of 50% of your Max 2 Minutes of Handstand Push ups each 50% round will be UNBROKEN
-rest 1 minute between rounds
Score is total Reps for all 3 rounds
if you had 20 reps in 2 minutes on week one you will do:
50% of 20 reps =10 Reps
You will do 3 rounds of
10 Unbroken Handstand Push ups
-rest 1 minute-
Hip Halo
Barbell Prep
3 Sets
5 Lateral Box Step Ups (L/R)
5 Russian Baby Makers
5 Tempo “Perfect” Empty Barbell Back Squat (3:1:2:1)