CrossFit – Fri, Jul 26

Warm Up

Crossover Symmetry Activation OR Banded 7s
– Perform 7 reps of each movement

2. Movement Prep/Activation
1-2 Sets
1:00 Ski OR Row (easy-moderate)
:30 Handstand Hold
:30 Side Plank (each side)
:30 Sandbag Hold (increase weight each set)

3. Workout Prep
1 Set (at workout pace)
5 GHD Sit Ups
10ft Handstand Walk
15ft Bear Hug Sandbag Carry (at workout weight)


60 GHD Sit Ups
90ft Handstand Walk
150ft Bear Hug Sandbag Carry (150/100)
-rest 3 minutes-
1 Mile Run
2000m Row
-rest 3 minutes-
150ft Bear Hug Sandbag Carry (150/100)
90ft Handstand Walk
60 GHD Sit Ups

Intended Workout RPE: 8.0 – 80% – high intensity

Target Time: sub 35 minutes (rest included)

Time Cap: 45 minutes (rest included)

Cool Down

Cool Down (OPTIONAL)

3-5 minutes of easy cardio (this can be walk, a slow row, machine ride, walk, etc.)

2x 10 Open Book
2x 10 Seated External Rotation
20 90/90 Rotations

Open Book
External Rotation
90/90 Rotations
