CrossFit – Thu, Jul 25

Metcon Warm Up

Crossover Symmetry Activation OR Banded 7s
– Perform 7 reps of each movement

Movement Prep/Activation
10:00 Moving Through
1:00 Cardio
50 Single Under
5 Banded Strict Pull Up
5 Hand Release Push Up

Workout Prep
1 Set (at workout pace)
20 Double Under
2 Strict Pull Up
2 Deficit Push Up

XXXIII Olympiad (Time)

Partner Pump!
10 Rounds
Partner 1:
50 Double Unders
Partner 2:
7 Strict Pull Up
7 Deficit Push Ups (1×45/25)

*Partners both working at the same time and switch when both are done working. Each do 10 rounds

Individual version:
10 Rounds
50 Double Unders
7 Strict Pull Up
7 Deficit Push Ups (1×45/25)
-rest 45 seconds b/t rounds-

Workout Description Video:

Intended Workout RPE: 7-8 – 70-80% – moderate to moderate/high intensity

Target Time: sub 20 minutes

Time Cap: 25 minutes


Double Unders/ Plate or Line Hops/:60 on the Echo

10 Rounds
35 Double Unders
5 Strict Pull Up
7 Deficit Push Ups (1×25/10)

Core Work

3 sets, not for time:
25 GHD sit ups
0:60 Single Arm plank (0:30 each side)
20 Landmine Twist (10 each side)
*Rest as needed between sets.

3 Sets (Not for time)
20 Single Leg Alternating V Ups
100m Single Arm Farmers Carry (as heavy as possible) (50m each arm)
30 Sec Weighted Face Up Chinese Plank
*Rest as needed between sets.
