CrossFit – Mon, Jul 15

Warm Up

Hip Halo Activation

Barbell Prep

Burgner Warm Up (Snatch)

Pause Snatch Pull + Floating Power Snatch (Weight)

Do a set every 1 minute and 30 seconds

1 Pause at the top Snatch Pull +2 Floating Power Snatch @60-65%1RM Power Snatch

1 Pause at the top Snatch Pull +2 Floating Power Snatch @60-65%1RM Power Snatch

1 Pause at the top Snatch Pull +2 Floating Power Snatch @68-70%1RM Power Snatch

1 Pause at the top Snatch Pull +2 Floating Power Snatch @68-70%1RM Power Snatch

1 Pause at the top Snatch Pull +2 Floating Power Snatch @68-70%1RM Power Snatch

*All Touch and Go

Metcon Warm Up

1-2 Sets

1:00 Row

5 Squat Cleans (45/35)

5 Front Squats (45/35)

20 Plate Hops

4 Step Up Burpees

5 Hanging Scap Retraction

5 Kip to SWing

3 Kipping Chest to Bar Pull Up


Warm up to workout weight w/2 Chest to Bar Pull Up after each set

2. Workout Prep

1 Set (at pace)

2 Front Squat

2 Bar Facing Burpees

2 Chest to Bar Pul Ups

Glazed Donut (Time)

3 Rounds

10 Front Squats (155/105)

10 Bar Facing Burpees

10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Rest 1:1

6 Rounds

5 Front Squats (155/105)

5 Bar Facing Burpees

5 Chest to Bar Pull Up

Time Cap each set 6 mins

Cool Down

Calf Foam Roller

2 Min Bench Stretch for Lats or banded pull downs
