CrossFit – Fri, Jul 12
Metcon Warm Up
May the Odds Be Ever In Your Favor (Time)
For Time
30 Power Clean & Jerk (205/145)
-straight into-
Rope Climbs
GHD Sit Ups
ntended Workout RPE: 8.5 – 85% – high intensity
Target Time: sub 17 minutes
Time Cap: 22 minutes
Core Work (Checkmark)
3 Sets (Not for time)
10 Strict Toes to Bar
100m Farmers Carry (As heavy as possible)
20 Kettlebell Side Bends (Heavy)
30 Second Weighted Face Up Chinese Plank
*Rest as needed between sets.
write any modifications made / weights used in the results comments box
Crossover Symmetry Activation OR Banded 7s
– Perform 7 reps of each movement
2. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate
8 Minutes Moving Through
:30 Cardio (easy-moderate)
10 Hanging Scap Retraction
:30 Plank
10 Single Arm High Pull (each arm, light-moderate)
10 Single Arm Press (each arm, light-moderate)
5 Single Arm Hang Clean and Jerk (each arm, light-moderate)
Warm Up to workout weights and movements.
3. Workout Prep
1 set (at workout pace):
2 Power Clean & Jerk (at workout weight)
1 Rope Climb
4 GHD Sit Up