CrossFit – Mon, May 20
Warm Up
Power Clean and Push Jerk (Min 1-5: 2 Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk @ 70% 1RM Power Clean & Jerk
from the floor, perform the prescribed number of power cleans followed by the prescribed number of push jerks
Every Minute on the minute for 5 minutes
Clean & Split Jerk (Weight)
Min 1-5: 1 Clean and Split Jerk @ 75-80% 1 RM Clean and Jerk
Every Minute on the Minute
Metcon Warm Up
2:00 Jog
into 1-2 Sets
10 Banded Pull Downs
5 Hand Release Push Ups
10 Banded Air Squats
Workout Prep (at pace)
200m Run
2 Pull Ups
4 Push Ups
6 Air Squats
All w/ vest
Dune (6 Rounds for reps)
3 Sets
400m Run
-rest 1 minute b/t sets-
3 Sets
10 Pull UPs
20 Push Ups
30 Air Squats
-rest 1 minute b/t Sets
*all with Vest
Time Cap each Set 3 mins
Cool Down
1-2 minute Hamstring Smash (each side)
2 minute PVC Pipe Lat Stretch OR Banded lat stretch (each side)
2 minute Chest Stretch (each side)
Crossover Symmetry
Banded 7’s
Burgner Warm Up (Clean)
2 Sets-Prone Is, Ts & Ys