CrossFit – Wed, Jan 18


2 sets
1:00 Row (building from easy to moderate)
1:00 Bike (building from easy to moderate)
1:00 Single Unders

1 Set: (at workout pace)
100m Row
200m Bike
25 Double Unders

Huff and Puff (3 Rounds for reps)

7:00 Max Cal Row
-rest 1 minute-
7:00 Max Cal Bike Erg
-rest 1 minute-
7:00 Max Double Unders


2-3 Rounds
15 Banded Good Morning
10 Single Arm KB Deadlift R/L (Light-Moderate)

Floating Snatch Grip Deadlift (4×4)
Set your snatch starting position and lift the bar to a fully extended standing position with a controlled speed, being sure to maintain the same positions and posture you would use when pulling in the snatch. After standing, return to the starting position under control and bring the plates as close to the floor as possible without allowing them to touch. Begin the next rep from this position, WITHOUT setting the bar down on the floor.

4 Floating Snatch Deadlift @ 90% 1 RM Snatch
4 Floating Snatch Deadlift @ 90% 1 RM Snatch
4 Floating Snatch Deadlift @ 95% 1 RM Snatch
4 Floating Snatch Deadlift @ 95% 1 RM Snatch

*On the eccentric, go down until JUST before the barbell touches the ground, but don’t let it touch! You’ll then move immediately into the next rep.

Abs (Checkmark)

80 Flutter Kicks (L+R=1)
60 Lying Heel Taps (L+R=1)
40 Sit ups
20 Tuck Ups
