CrossFit – Wed, Jan 22
New Members: $69 1st Month Intro offer, tell your friends!!
$25 credit to your membership for every unlimited membership you referThe Crossfit Open is 36 Days away! We are planning on hosting an in house open, that will be full of fun, fitness and flamingos. More details to come but continue to grind out these daily workouts (and accessory work) as we are currently getting prepped for what is ahead in a few weeks.

Warm Up


Hip Halo

Barbell Prep

Burgener Warm Up (Snatch)

3x High Hang + 3x Hang Snatch + 3 Snatch

Snatch (3 Sets
1 Snatch @65-70% 1 rm Snatch
3 Sets
1 Snatch @70-75% 1 rm Snatch
3 Sets
1 Snatch @75-80% 1 rm Snatch
3 Sets
1 Snatch (As heavy as possible)

Do a set every 1 minute

Metcon Warm up

3 Sets

:30 Row

25 SIngle Under

1 Set at pace

2 Power Snatches

4 Cal Row

20 Double Unders

Bearded Dragon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

3 Sets

AMRAP 6 Minutes

7 Power Snatches (115/80)

14/11 Cal Row (or ski)

48 Double Unders

-rest 2 mins b/t sets-
