$25 credit to your membership for every unlimited membership you referThe Crossfit Open is 36 Days away! We are planning on hosting an in house open, that will be full of fun, fitness and flamingos. More details to come but continue to grind out these daily workouts (and accessory work) as we are currently getting prepped for what is ahead in a few weeks.
5 Sets
6 Shuttle Runs (50ft)
12 Burpee Box Jump Over (24/20)
18 Calorie Ski (OR Row)
-rest 1:1 b/t sets-
- Intended Workout RPE: 8.5 – 85% – high intensity
- Target Time each set: sub 2 minutes 30 seconds
- Time Cap each set: 3 minutes 30 seconds
2 Sets
10 Prone Is, Ts, & Ys (no weight or very light plates)
10 Single Arm Press (each side, moderate)
10 Minutes (Every minute on the minute)
Min 1-2:
3 Split Jerk
Min 3-5:
2 Split Jerk
Min 5-10:
1 Split Jerk
*Start around 55-60% and work up to 80-85%.
3-5 minutes of easy cardio (this can be walk, a slow row, machine ride, etc.)
1 Minute Dorsiflexion Matrix
15x Bootstrappers
1 Minute Ring Lat Stretch
1 minute of Wall Walks with 2 Shoulder Taps at the Top of the Wall Walk [right/left = 2 reps]– Rest 2 minutes-
1 Unbroken of Wall Walks at 35% of week 1 max effort number
– Rest 2 minute –
1 minute of Wall Walks with 2 Shoulder Taps at the Top of the Wall Walk [right/left = 2 reps]
Score is your reps of Unbroken Wall Walks at 35%
Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate
3 Sets
1 Minute Easy Run
3 Burpee
1 Minute Easy Ski (OR Row)
3 Box Jump w/Step Down (increasing height)
Workout Prep
1 set (at workout pace):
1 Shuttle Runs (50ft)
2 Burpee Box Jump Over (24/20)
4 Calorie Ski (OR Row)