CrossFit – Mon, Jan 6
New Cycle
Quick and Nimble
7 Weeks (1/6-2/17)
Goal: Improve capacity across broad time and modal domaining with varying intensity and volume though pure metcons and mayhem intervals.New Members: $69 1st Month Intro offer, tell your friends!!
$25 credit to your membership for every unlimited membership you refer

Warm Up


Crossover Symmetry

Hip Halo

Movement Prep:

2 Sets

:10 Row (easy)

:10 Row (Mod)

:10 Row (Hard)

5 Wall Ball

5 Kip to Swing

Workout Prep:

3 Cal Row

3 Wall Ball

3 Toes to Bar

Survivor (Time)

5 Sets (1 Set every 6 minutes)

32/24 Cal Row

24 Wall Balls (20/14)

16 Toes to Bar

Time Cap 4:30 Each Set

Barbell Prep

Burgener Warm Up (Clean)

Power Clean (3 Sets @ 60-65% 1RM
3 Power Cleans
2 Sets @70-75%
2 Power Cleans
3 Sets @75+%
1 Power Clean)

Do a set every 1:30

Cool Down

2 x10 Reverse Leg Raises (L/R)

2 x 10 Boot Strappers

10 x 5 Second Cobra
