CrossFit – Mon, Dec 9

Strength Warm up

Mayhem Hip Halo Activation
* 10 Side step R/L
* 10 Forward/Backwards Walk R/L
* 10 Glute Bridges
* 10 Single Leg Glute Bridges R/L
* 10 Bird Dogs R/L
* 10 Squats

2. Barbell Prep
1-2 Sets of Front Squat Skill Transfer Exercises
3x No Hands Front Squat
3x Front Squat
3x Pause Front Squat
3x 1 + ¼ Front Squat
3x In the Hole Front Squat
3x :10 Eccentric Squat

Front Squat (Weight)

Do a set every minute.

10 Sets
3 Front Squat @78-83% 1RM Front Squat

Metcon Warm Up

Movement Prep/Activation
1 Set
1:00 Bike Erg (easy-moderate)
10 Snatch Push Press (45/35)
10 Snatch Balance (45/35)
10 Overhead Squat (45/35)
5 Squat Snatch (45/35)
5 Strict Chin Up (done as singles)
Warm up to workout weight w/1 Half Rope Climb between each set.

Workout Prep
1 Set (at workout pace):
100m Bike
2 Overhead Squats (at workout weight)
1 Rope Climb

Sourdough (Time)

2 Sets (1 set every 8 minutes)
4 Rope Climbs
-straight Into-
3 Rounds
10 Overhead Squats (95/65)
400m Bike Erg

*Rx Sub for Rope Climbs: 12 Strict Pull Up

  • Intended Workout RPE: 7 – 70% – moderate intensity
  • Target Time each set: 5-6 minutes
  • Time Cap each set: 6 minutes 30 seconds
