CrossFit – Mon, Nov 18

Warm Up

Hip Halo Activation

Barbell Prep

Front Squat Skill Transfer

3x No Hands Front Squat

3x Pause Front Squat

3x 1+ ¼ Front Squat

3x In the Hole Front Squat

3x :10 Eccentric Squat

Front Squat (10 Sets
3 Front Squats @ 84%-89% 1RM F)

Metcon Warm Up

2 Sets

:30 Row

10 Behind the Neck Strict Press (empty BB)

10 Overhead Squat

10 Squat Snatch

10 Hanging Scap Retractions

5 Kip to Swing

5 Box Dip

Warm up to workout weight

Mario Kart (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

2 Sets

Amrap 5 Mins

2 Squat Snatch (135/95)

3 Bar Muscle Ups

15/12 Cal Row

-rest 3 mins b/t sets-
