CrossFit – Fri, Nov 1
New Cycle!
Nerves of Steel!
8 Week Cycle (October 28-December 16)
Nerves of Steel!
8 Week Cycle (October 28-December 16)
The goal for the next 8 weeks is to make sure to continue to lay the foundation for a great base of health, movement, technique, strength and conditioning.
Warm Up
Front Squat (10 Sets
3 Front Squat @ 75-80% 1RM Front Squat)
3 Front Squat @ 75-80% 1RM Front Squat)
Do a snet every minute
Metcon Warm Up
1 Set
1:00 Echo Bike
10 KB Swing (Light)
10 KB Front Squat
:20 Handstand Hold
Warmup to workout weights
1 Set
3/2 Cal Echo Bike
2 DB Hang Squat Clean
1 Kipping Hand Stand Push Up
Thriller (Time)
4 Sets
15/12 Cal Echo Bike
12 DB Hang Squat Cleans (2×50/35)
9 Kipping Hand Stand Push Ups
rest 1:1 b/t sets
Time Cap 3 Mins per set
Ring Accessory (2 Rounds for reps)
2 Rounds
1 Minute of Max Ring Muscle Ups
-rest 1 minute-
1 MInute of Ring Rows
-rest 1 minute-
Hip Halo
Barbell Prep
3x No Hand Front Squat
3x Front Squat
3x Pause Front Squat
3x In the Hole Front Squat
3x :10 Eccentric Squat