CrossFit – Fri, Nov 1
New Cycle!
Nerves of Steel!
8 Week Cycle (October 28-December 16)

The goal for the next 8 weeks is to make sure to continue to lay the foundation for a great base of health, movement, technique, strength and conditioning.

Warm Up


Hip Halo

Barbell Prep

3x No Hand Front Squat

3x Front Squat

3x Pause Front Squat

3x In the Hole Front Squat

3x :10 Eccentric Squat

Front Squat (10 Sets
3 Front Squat @ 75-80% 1RM Front Squat)

Do a snet every minute

Metcon Warm Up

1 Set

1:00 Echo Bike

10 KB Swing (Light)

10 KB Front Squat

:20 Handstand Hold


Warmup to workout weights

1 Set

3/2 Cal Echo Bike

2 DB Hang Squat Clean

1 Kipping Hand Stand Push Up

Thriller (Time)

4 Sets

15/12 Cal Echo Bike

12 DB Hang Squat Cleans (2×50/35)

9 Kipping Hand Stand Push Ups

rest 1:1 b/t sets

Time Cap 3 Mins per set

Ring Accessory (2 Rounds for reps)

2 Rounds

1 Minute of Max Ring Muscle Ups

-rest 1 minute-

1 MInute of Ring Rows

-rest 1 minute-
