CrossFit – Mon, May 15
Front Squat Barbell Warm up
3 Sets
3 No Hand (Zombie) Front Squats
3 No Hand (Zombie) Front Squats
3 2 second Pause Front Squats
3 One and a quarter Front Squats
3 In the Hole Front Squats (last rep is a 10 second negative)
3 No Hand (Zombie) Front Squats
3 No Hand (Zombie) Front Squats
3 2 second Pause Front Squats
3 One and a quarter Front Squats
3 In the Hole Front Squats (last rep is a 10 second negative)
In the Hole Front Squat (**DEEP** in the hole 5×5)
Height should be set where Hip crease is right at or below parallel. Starting in a full squat, focus on keeping the elbows high and core tight.
Explode out of the hole, smooth transition down and reset after each rep.
Explode out of the hole, smooth transition down and reset after each rep.
Pre-MetCon Warm-up
2 Sets
1:00 Bike OR Row (moderate) (your choice)
15 Banded Pull Aparts
10 Seal Pose to Downward Dog
10 Lateral Box Step Up (each side)
1 set (at workout pace):
2 Pull Up
3 Push Up
4 Air Squat
Murph Mania (Time)
For time:
10 Pull Ups
20 Push Ups
30 Air Squats
15 Pull Ups
30 Push Ups
45 Air Squats
20 Pull Ups
40 Push Ups
60 Air Squats
25 Pull Ups
50 Push Ups
75 Air Squats
30 Pull Ups
60 Push Ups
90 Air Squats
Post Workout Mobility
1 minute Pec Lacrosse Ball Smash Option 1 OR Pec Lacrosse Ball Smash Option 2 (each side)
2 minute Chest Stretch (each side)
**Set J hooks where hip crease is below knees in a front rack position.
5 DEEP In the Hole Front Squat @ 5/10 RPE
5 DEEP In the Hole Front Squat @ 5.5/10 RPE
5 DEEP In the Hole Front Squat @ 6/10 RPE
5 DEEP In the Hole Front Squat @ 6.5/10 RPE
5 DEEP In the Hole Front Squat @ 6.5/10 RPE