CrossFit – Fri, Apr 7
Front Squat Warm-UP
2-3 Sets of Front Squat Skill Transfer Exercises
3 No Hand (Zombie) Front Squats
3 No Hand (Zombie) Front Squats
3 2 second Pause Front Squats
3 One and a quarter Front Squats
3 In the Hole Front Squats (last rep is a 10 second negative)
3 No Hand (Zombie) Front Squats
3 No Hand (Zombie) Front Squats
3 2 second Pause Front Squats
3 One and a quarter Front Squats
3 In the Hole Front Squats (last rep is a 10 second negative)
Front Squat (1×1)
Pre-MetCon Warm-up
1:00 Cardio
10 Front Squat (45/35)
:30 Handstand Hold
10 Kip to Swing
5 Kipping Pull Up
Warm Up to Front Squat with 2 Bar Muscle Up between each set.
1 set (at workout pace):
2 Synchro Front Squats (at workout weight)
10’ Handstand Walk (together)
2 Bar Muscle Ups
Metcon (Time)
AMRAP 2 Minutes
10 Front Squats (155/105)
25’ Handstand Walk
Max Reps Bar Muscle Ups
-Rest 1 Minute b/t sets-
*Complete Sets until you Accumulate 30 Bar Muscle Ups
10:00 To find 1 RM