This week is your own individual journey. Choose your path you want too take each day on intensity, if you feel good on your lifts, try to max out, if you want to take a lighter approach, choose the deload option.
Metcons will be challenging but manageable, scale as needed.
Don't forget your 1 Mile a day!
Score Reps
Challenge: Complete 1 Mile Every Day (Walk or Run) for 31 Days in October!
You can do more, but only 1 mile will count per day toward your 31 mile goal
1 Rep = 1 Mile
Begin Set 1 @ 5.5%)
10 Sets (1 set every minute)
Build to 1 Rep max
3 Split Jerk @55% 1RM Split Jerk
3 Split Jerk @60% 1RM Split Jerk
2 Split Jerk @65% 1RM Split Jerk
2 Split Jerk @65% 1RM Split Jerk
1 x 6 Split Jerk @ 80% 1 RM Split Jerk
Hip Halo
Warm Up
50 Feet:
Toes Out Walk
Toes In
Heels Walk
Toes Walk
Zombie Walks
Butt Kickers
10 Abmat Sit Ups
5 Wall Balls
20 Step Back Lunges
5 GHD Sit Ups
5 Wall Balls (20/14)
100m Run
10ft Front Rack Walking Lunges
3 Sets (1 set every 8 mins)
20 GHD Sit Ups
30 Wall Balls (20/14)
400m Run
50 ft Front Rack Dumbbell Walking Lunge
Time Cap 7 mins per set
Bank more time for more rest
Crossover Symmetry
Banded 7’s
Barbell Prep
2 Sets
10 Prone Is, Ts. Ys
10 Single Arm Press (L/R)
5 Jump to Split (Arms at Side)