CrossFit – Thu, Mar 14
Metcon Warm up
- Hip Halo Activation
- Crossover Symmetry
- Movement Prep (2 Sets)
- 5 Inchworms
- 5 No Jump Burpees
- 5 Hanging Scap Retractions
- 5 Ab Mat Sit ups
- :30 Sec Handstand Hold
- 5 Empty Barbell Overhead Squats
240309 (Time)
For Time Partner Divide and Conquer
(2 Rounds)
50 GHD Situps
40 Overhead Squats (95/65)
30 Burpees
20 Handstand Push-ups
10 Stric Pull Ups
Easy to Moderate Pace ahead of 24.3
Skill Work
Pick 1 Skill to Work On for 7 minutes
Double Unders/Crossovers
Hand Stand Walks
Ring/Bar Muscle Ups