CrossFit – Tue, Jan 2

Warm Up

1.) Banded 7s – perform 7 reps of each movement

2. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate

1-2 Sets
1:00 Ski OR Row (moderate)
5 No Jump Burpee
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Press (each arm, moderate)
10 Kip to Swing, 5 Knees to Elbow
Warm Up to Shoulder to Overhead weight.

4. Workout Prep

1 set (at workout pace):
5 sets (1 set every 3 minutes):
2 Shoulder to Overhead (at workout weight)
2 Bar Facing Burpees
4 Toes to Bar

The Parent Trap (5 Rounds for reps)

5 sets (1 set every 3 minutes):
9 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
15 Bar Facing Burpees
21 Toes to Bar (must be done in sets of 7+)

Time Cap 2:30 Each Set

Barbell Prep

1. Barbell Prep

1-2 Sets of Front Squat Skill Transfer Exercises
3x No Hands Front Squat
3x Front Squat
3x Pause Front Squat
3x 1 + ¼ Front Squat
3x In the Hole Front Squat
3x :10 Eccentric Squat

Front Squat (3 Front Squat @ 65% 1 RM Front Squat
3 Front Squat @ 70% 1 RM Front Squat
3 Front Squat @ 75% 1 RM Front Squat
3 Front Squat @ 80% 1 RM Front Squat
3 Front Squat @ 80% 1 RM Front Squat)

Every 1:30

Power Snatch (2 Rounds for reps)

2 Times Through
For Time:
10 Power Snatch @ 75lb/55lb or 60-65%
8 Power Snatch @ 95lb/65lb or 65-70%
6 Power Snatch @ 115lb/85lb or 70-75%
4 Power Snatch @ 135lb/95lb or 75-80%
2 Power Snatch @ 155lb/105lb or 80-85%
*Rest 3-5 Min and then repeat.

If you only have 60 minutes to workout through just go through once. If you have more than 60 minutes to work with then go for the 2 sets.

*The goal is to cycle these or perform fast singles. Score times in notes.

Mayhem Gymnastics [MG] Cycle 14 TTB/WW [week 6] (OPTIONAL) (Checkmark)

2 Rounds for Quality
10 Handstand Shrugs right into 10 Shoulder Taps
— rest 30 seconds —
Hold 30 second Handstand [wall or freestanding]

Then accumulate 5-7 Wall Walks

Cool Down

1-2 minute Lacrosse Ball Trap Smash (each side)
