CrossFit – Fri, Sep 29

Strength Warm up

1. Mayhem Hip Halo Activation

* 10 Side step R/L

* 10 Forward/Backwards Walk R/L

* 10 Glute Bridges

* 10 Single Leg Glute Bridges R/L

* 10 Bird Dogs R/L

* 10 Squats

2. Barbell Prep

3 Sets
1:00 Row (moderate)
10 Lateral Box Step Up
20 Step Back Lunge

Front Rack Step Up 4×18 (Weight)

<8 Min>

4 Sets of 18

18 Barbell Front Rack Step Up
18 Barbell Front Rack Step Up
18 Barbell Front Rack Step Up
18 Barbell Front Rack Step Up

*Total steps.

Scoring: Load

Pre-MetCon Warm-up

1-2 sets
0:40 Echo Bike (moderate)
0:20 Echo Bike (fast)
25 Single Unders
10 PVC Pass Through
10 PVC Cuban Press
10 PVC Power Snatch
Warm Up to Power Snatch weight.

Workout Prep

1 Set (at workout pace):
2 Power Snatches (at workout weight)
12 Double Unders
4 Calorie Echo Bike

Potato Salad (Time)

<17 Min>

Potato Salad

2 sets (1 set every 15 minutes)
In a 2:30 Window:

12 Power Snatches (95/65)
60 Double Unders
Max Calorie Echo Bike in the time remaining
-rest from 2:30 to 15:00-

*Perform @ 95% effort (just shy of all-out effort)
**Ideally everything is unbroken and fast!

Scoring: Time

Gymnastics (AMRAP – Reps)

Mayhem Gymnastics [MG] Cycle 11 Rings & HSPU Complexes Week 4Percentage Work:

2 Minute Max Wall Walks
—rest 2 minutes —
complete 3 sets of 20% of your 2 minute max Wall Walks

*Score is Max effort in two minutes

Scoring: Reps
