CrossFit – Tue, Mar 28


1:00 Ski (easy)
Arms & Legs: 40sec easy, 20sec mod, 10sec fast,
Rest 20sec,
Legs Only: 40sec easy, 20sec mod, 10sec fast,
Rest 20sec,
Arms Only: 40sec easy, 20sec mod, 10sec fast
1:00 Ski (moderate)

ERGs and Hops (Time)

3 sets:
12-9-6 (9-7-5)
Calorie Ski Erg Or Row
Calorie Echo Bike
*50 Double Unders after each round
-Rest 3 minutes between sets-


Mechanical Drop Set

DB Presses (Weight)

4 sets:
5 Seated Overhead DB Press
7 Incline DB Press
Max Flat Bench DB Bench Press

-rest 2:00 – 2:30 b/t sets-

Metcon (Checkmark)

9 minute EMOM
Every minute on the minute complete the following:
2 Wall Walks then 4 Wall Facing Kipping Handstand Push Ups
*The HSPU begin AFTER the 2nd wall walk

Post Workout Mobility

:30 Leaning Tricep Stretch (left)
:30 Leaning Tricep Stretch (right)
1:00 Seal Stretch
1:00 Alternating Calf Stretch
