Ta Ta Tabata
Warm Up/Mobility
2-3 Sets
15/12 Calorie Machine (OR 200m Jog)
5 single arm dumbbell floor presses (light/moderate) (each side)
10 hanging scap retractions
5 kip to swing
5 Med Ball Cleans
15/12 Calorie Machine (OR 200m Jog)
5 single arm dumbbell floor presses (light/moderate) (each side)
10 hanging scap retractions
5 kip to swing
5 Med Ball Cleans
1 Round at Workout Pace
5 chest to bar pull-ups
5 push-ups
5 sit-ups
5 air squats
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Task Tabata
300 reps for time, following the pattern:
20 seconds of Chest to Bar
-Rest 10 seconds-
20 seconds of push-ups
-Rest 10 seconds-
20 seconds of sit-ups
-Rest 10 seconds-
20 seconds of air squats
-Rest 10 seconds-
300 reps for time, following the pattern:
20 seconds of Chest to Bar
-Rest 10 seconds-
20 seconds of push-ups
-Rest 10 seconds-
20 seconds of sit-ups
-Rest 10 seconds-
20 seconds of air squats
-Rest 10 seconds-
-Rest 3:00
Double Task Tabata
200 reps for time, following the pattern:
40 seconds of strict pull-ups
-Rest 20 seconds-
40 seconds of dumbbell floor press (50/35)
-Rest 20 seconds-
40 seconds of toes to bar
-Rest 20 seconds-
40 seconds of wall balls (20/14)
-Rest 20 seconds-
Pull ups: Aim to keep these in sets of 5+ with quick breaks. Work on falling through the bar
Push ups: Aim to keep these in 5+ with quick breaks. Stay tight in the plank position and don’t get sloppy!
Sit ups: Aim to keep these unbroken. Throw those arms to make it easier each rep.
Air squats: Aim to keep these unbroken and fast!
3-4 rounds
15 hip extensions (with 2 sec pause) (OR 25 Superman)
15 banded glute bridges
30 deficit step back lunge (small deficit)
15 hip extensions (with 2 sec pause) (OR 25 Superman)
15 banded glute bridges
30 deficit step back lunge (small deficit)
Tabata (:20 on/ :10 off)
x 8 rounds
– Alternating Leg V-Ups
x 8 rounds
– Alternating Leg V-Ups
Post Workout Mobility
1:00 Seal Stretch
1:00 Toe Touch Stretch
1:00 Butterfly Stretch
1:00 Toe Touch Stretch
1:00 Butterfly Stretch
2nd Tabata TC – 16 Min