Deuces Tuesdays
Warm Up/Mobility
5:00 cardio (easy) (your choice)
-straight into-
2-3 Sets
10 alternating v ups
10 hollow rocks
10 tuck ups
10 hanging scap pull ups
5 kip to swing
0:30 side plank (each side)
-straight into-
2-3 Sets
10 alternating v ups
10 hollow rocks
10 tuck ups
10 hanging scap pull ups
5 kip to swing
0:30 side plank (each side)
1 Set: (at workout pace)
6 Abmat sit-ups
5 Toes-to-bars
3 Pull-ups
2 Strict pull-ups
1 Bar muscle-ups
6 Abmat sit-ups
5 Toes-to-bars
3 Pull-ups
2 Strict pull-ups
1 Bar muscle-ups
Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)
20 Abmat sit-ups
25 Toes-to-bars
20 Abmat Situps
15 Pull Ups (Kipping)
10 Strict pull-ups
5 Bar muscle-ups
-Rest UNTIL 15:00-
5 Bar muscle-ups
10 Strict pull-ups
15 Pull-ups
20 Abmat Situps
25 Toes-to-bars
30 Abmat sit-ups
25 Toes-to-bars
20 Abmat Situps
15 Pull Ups (Kipping)
10 Strict pull-ups
5 Bar muscle-ups
-Rest UNTIL 15:00-
5 Bar muscle-ups
10 Strict pull-ups
15 Pull-ups
20 Abmat Situps
25 Toes-to-bars
30 Abmat sit-ups
*Time Cap for each Set is 13:00 (a minimum of 2:00 rest; more if you finish sooner)
Scaling options T2B = Hanging Knee Raise
Pullups = Jumping Pull up
Strict PU = Banded Strict PU
BMU = Burpee Pull Up
Scaling options T2B = Hanging Knee Raise
Pullups = Jumping Pull up
Strict PU = Banded Strict PU
BMU = Burpee Pull Up
4 Rounds
5 High Box Jumps
10 Single Leg RDL R/L
15 Banded Hip Bridges
5 High Box Jumps
10 Single Leg RDL R/L
15 Banded Hip Bridges
Stimulus is moderate pacing while making a calculated approach on each movement to avoid burnout.
A High skilled , core blast type workout that will start with early body blows and finish with an arm/grip attack.