CrossFit – Wed, Jul 3

Warm Up

Crossover Symmetry

Banded 7’s

Hip Halo Activation

Press Prep

2-3 Sets

10 Prone I’s, T’s. Y’s

10 Single Arm Press

Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk (1 Push Press +1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk @ 6/10 RPE
1 Push Press +1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk @ 6.5/10 RPE
1 Push Press +1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk @ 7/10 RPE)
From the rack, perform the prescribed number of Push Presses, followed by the prescribed number of Push Jerks, followed by the prescribed number of Split Jerks

Do a set every 1:30

Metcon Warm Up

1-2 Sets

1:00 Bike

10 Abmat Sit Ups

10 Single Arm Press

:20 Side Plank


Warm up to Push Press Weight

Workout Prep:

1 Set 6/4 Cal Bike

4 GHD Sit Ups

4 Push Press

Declaration of Independence (Calories)

Amrap 15 Mins

Buy In 27/21 Cal Echo Bike

2 Rounds

45 GHD Sit Ups

45 Push Press (95/65)

-remainder of time-

Max Cal Echo Bike

*Only Score Max Cals
