CrossFit – Thu, Jun 20

Strength Warm up

Bench Press Prep
2-3 Sets
10 Hand Release Push Up
5 Single Arm Bench Press (each side, moderate)

2. Back Squat Prep
3 Sets
10 Roll and Reach
10 Deadbug
10 Dynamic Squat Stretch
5 Worlds Greatest Stretch (L/R)
5 Tempo “Perfect” Empty Barbell Back Squat (3:1:2:1)

3. In remaining time warm up to workout weights.

Bench Press (Weight)

In as few sets as possible, accumulate 35 Bench Press at 70-80%.

*Score weight and sets.

Back Squat (Weight)

In as few sets as possible, accumulate 35 Back Squat at 70-80%.
*Score weight and sets.

Hinshaw Run Warmup
High knee karaoke (over, over, walk, walk)
Over hurdle (Knee up rotate hips up and over heel, toe)
Knee to chest
Figure 4 (1 sec)
Lunge with reach overhead
Lunge torso twist (Pull hand)
Toe Touches (Opposite hand Opp Leg)
High knee + arm swing
Butt kick + arm swing
Straight Leg Slight Kick(shallow heel)

Side step out and back
Side step jumping jack out and back

Toes out walk
Toes in walk
Heels walk
Toes walk
Outside Foot walk
Inside Foot walk

Seated Arms Only Run Motion (:40 to build speed through arms)
Standing Heels down Arms Only Run Motion (:40 to build speed through arms)

Red Wings( Partner AMRAP) (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 20 Minutes
Partner A: Run 400 meters with a plate or dumbbell (35/25)
Partner B: 20 Burpees

*Then switch

*Every 10m is a rep.


Accumulate 60 Med Ball GHD Sit Ups [20/14]Each time you break complete 10/8 calorie Row
