CrossFit – Thu, Jun 6
Warm Up
Wide Grip Bench Press (Weight)
From rack – hand placed in wide grip; perform prescribed reps
EMOM 8 Minutes (Increasing weight from Min 1-8)
1 Rep per minute starting at 5.5 RPE to 9 RPW
Metcon Warm Up
8-10 Minutes Moving
5 Bench Press
5 Ring Row
10 Kip to Swing
200m Ski or Row
Andes (Time)
Partner Throwdown
Bench press (135/95)
Chest To Bar
-Straight Into-
Bench press (135/95)
Bar Muscle Up
Partner split evenly
Gymnastics (Optional)
For Time:
50 Weighted GHD Situps (20/14)
*Ball must touch ground at bottom of skill and post at top of skill
Crossover Symmetry
Banded 7’s
Barbell Prep
2-3 Sets
10 Hand Release Push Ups
5 Single Arm Benc Press (Moderate each side)