CrossFit – Tue, Jun 4

Warm Up

Hip Halo Activation

2 Sets

15 Banded Good Mornings

10 Single Arm KB Deadlift (L/R)

3 Position Pause Snatch Deadlift (Weight)

5 Sets (1 set every 1:30)

1 x 3 position Pause Snatch Deadlift @ 85% 1 RM Snatch

Positions are: pause 1 inch off the floor, above the knee and mid thigh for 3 seconds at each position

Metcon Warm Up


1:30 Easy

:30 Moderate

1:00 East

:30 Fast

:30 Easy

:30 Fast

:30 Rest

:10 Sprint

Alps (Time)

12 Sets

300m Row

-rest 1 minute b/t sets

Sets 1-4= Sprint final 100m

Sets 5-8= Sprint middle 100m

Sets 9-12= Sprint the first 100m

*Hold 7-8 RPE for the 200m youare not sprinting
