Do a. set every 1:30
*Pause Snatch is at mid thigh for 2 seconds
**Jump and Shrug from the mid thigh position
3 Sets
10 Heavy Incline Bench Press
7-10 Single Arm DB Row
:30-:45 Ring Support
Do a set every 3 minutes
Score is only Dumbbell incline
1:00 Row
:30 Handstand Hold
50 Single Under
10 Single Arm Suitcase Deadlift (L/R)
Build to Deadlift Weight w 5ft Handstand walk after each set
Teams of 2
AMRAP 2 Minutes
50 Double Unders (each, at the same time)
25ft Handstand Walk (each, at the same time)
Max Deadlifts (275/185) (split)
*Go until you get 75 reps
-rest 1 minute b/t sets-
*Individual Version
AMRAP 2 Minutes
50 Double Unders
25ft Handstand Walk
Max Deadlift (275/185)
*Go until you get 35 reps.
-rest 1 minute b/t sets-
Target Time: sub 8 minutes (3 rounds)
Time Cap: 14 minutes (5 rounds)
2-3 minute Alternating Calf Stretch
1-2 minute Scorpion Stretch
Hip Halo
2-3 Rounds
Banded Good Morning
10 Single Arm KB Deadlift r/l (light