CrossFit – Tue, Apr 9
Warm Up
Low Hang Power Clean (Weight)
10 Minutes (one set every minute)
3 Low Hang Power Cleans @65-70%
*Touch and go from below knee
** Focus on Speed and Efficiency
Metcon Warm Up
1-2 Sets
200m Ski
10 Hanging Scap Retractions
2 Sit to Stand Rope Climb
50ft Sled Push
1 set (at workout pace)
1 Rope Climb
25ft Sled Push
Cuban Sandwich (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 15 Minutes
Rope Climbs
25-50-75-100ft Sled Push (180/145)
*After 4 Rope Climbs and 100′ Sled Push start sequence over
Target Reps 60+ (3 Rounds+)
Hip Halo Activation
Burgner Warm Up (Clean) 3-5 Reps per movement)