CrossFit – Tue, Apr 2

Warm Up

Hip Halo Activation

Burgner Warm Up (Clean)

Low Hanger Power Clean (Weight)

10 Minutes (1 Set every minute)

3 Low Hang Power Clean @ 65% 1RM Clean

*Touch and Go from below knee

*Focus on speed and efficiency

Metcon Warm up

1-2 Min Jog

-into- 2Sets

20 Alt V Ups

10 Wall Ball (Light) 10/9′

Workout Prep

1 Set at workput Pace

200m run

3 GHD Sit Ups

2 Wall Balls

Revenge of the Sith (Time)

3 Rounds

400m Run

30 GHD Sit Ups

20 Wall Balls

Time Cap 17 Mins
