CrossFit – Thu, Mar 21
Current Cycle: COMPETE
Week 5 of 9
Balanced, varied and intentional metabolic conditioning with a variety of intensity and volume through metcons and some varied intervals. Quarterfinal athletes will use Friday workouts similar to the Open to complete the weekly Open workout.

Metcon Warm up

Hip Halo Activation

2 Sets

1:00 Row (Easy)

5 Inchworms w Pushups

Burgner Warmup (Squat Snatch

Better Eat Your Wheaties (Time)

Partner Split For Time:

10 Squat Snatches (95/65)

40 Hand Release Pushups

30 Cal Row

20 Squat Snatches

40 Hand Release Pushups

30 Cal Row

30 Squat Snatches

40 Hand Release Pushups

30 Cal Row

Pump (Legs) (Checkmark)

4 Sets (Moderate Weight)

10 Barbell Back Squats (

10 Barbell Deadlift

12 Romanian Deadlift

15 Standing Barbell Calf Raise
