CrossFit – Wed, Mar 20
Current Cycle: COMPETE
Week 5 of 9
Balanced, varied and intentional metabolic conditioning with a variety of intensity and volume through metcons and some varied intervals. Quarterfinal athletes will use Friday workouts similar to the Open to complete the weekly Open workout.
Week 5 of 9
Balanced, varied and intentional metabolic conditioning with a variety of intensity and volume through metcons and some varied intervals. Quarterfinal athletes will use Friday workouts similar to the Open to complete the weekly Open workout.
Metcon Prep
Snap Crackle Pop (2 Rounds for reps)
2 Sets (1 set a 75%, 1 set @80%)
14/11 Cal Echo Bike
14 Overhead Squats (115/80)
7 Rope Climbs
14 Overhead Squats (115/80)
14/11 Cal Echo Bike
rest 3 mins b/t sets
Time Cap 5 Mins each set
Pump (Glutes & Core) (Checkmark)
4 Rounds
10 Weighted Hip Thrust
10 Banded Pull Through
10 GHD Hip Raise
10 Single Leg DB Hip Thrust
10 GHD to Parallel w plate on chest
10 Strict Hanging Leg Raise
10 Pulse Ups(each side)
20 Plank KB pull throughs
30yd isolateral KB Farmers Carry
rest 3 mins between rounds
Crossover Symmetry/Banded 7’s
Movement Prep
6-8 Mins moving through
1:00 Row
10 PVC Pass Throughs
5 PVC Squat Snatch
10 PVC Overhead Squats
10 Hanging Scap Retractions
1 Halfway Rope Climb
Warmup Overhead Squat Weight
Workout Prep
3 Cal Bike
3 Overhead Squats
1 Rope Climb