CrossFit – Thu, Feb 22
New Cycle “COMPETE"
9 Weeks
Week of February 19 through week of April 15

Warm Up

3. Movement Prep/Activation

2-3 Sets
1:00 Ski OR Row (moderate)
:30 Hand Stand Hold
:30 Jog

:30 Plank

Coat of Many Colors (Checkmark)

5 sets (Work Simultaneous to push thru)
:45 on/:15 off
1. Calorie Bike Erg
2. Wall Walks (1 rep every 9-11 seconds)
3. Calorie Ski Erg
4. Sandbag Cleans (100/70 (1 rep every 5-7 seconds)
5. Jog
6. Farmers Carry (2×70/50)

2,000m Row Progression – Week 7 Day 2 (OPTIONAL) (Distance)

10 Min at RPE3

-Rest 2 Min-

4 Sets
100m at RPE9
200m at RPE2
*No rest between reps or sets.

Workout Notes:
Record total workout distance (meters).
