CrossFit – Tue, Dec 12

Warm Up

Banded 7s – perform 7 reps of each movement

2. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate

1-2 Sets
1:00 Air Bike (moderate)
10 Single Arm Suitcase Deadlift (each arm, light)
10 Single Arm High Pull (each arm, light)
10 Single Arm Press (each arm, light)
Warm Up to workout weights.

3. Workout Prep

1 set (at workout pace):
3 Dumbbell Deadlifts (at workout weight)
2 Dumbbell Hang Cleans (at workout weight)
1 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (at workout weight)
3/2 Calorie Air Bike

Kanga Bangas (3 Rounds for reps)

3 Sets:
2 rounds
12 Dumbbell Deadlifts (2×50/35)
9 Dumbbell Hang Cleans (2×50/35)
6 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (2×50/35)
15/12 Calorie Air Bike
-rest 1:1 b/t sets-

Time Cap each set: 5 minutes

Input Time removing rest from each round

Strength Warm up

2-3 Sets
10 Hand Release Push Up
5 Single Arm Bench Press (each side, moderate)

Bench Press (*Do a set every 2 minutes

10 Bench Press @ 6/10 RPE
8 Bench Press @ 7/10 RPE
6 Bench Press @ 8/10 RPE
4 Bench Press @ 9/10 RPE

*10 Supinated Grip Barbell Row after each set. Score these in notes.)

Mayhem Gymnastics [MG] Cycle 14 TTB/WW [week 3] (OPTIONAL) (Checkmark)

Today is an Endurance Workout to build capacity over time.

8 minutes on the minute [EMOM]
odd minute: 30 seconds of attemtping Freestanding Handstand Hold [scale to wall!]
even minute: 3 Wall Walks
