CrossFit – Wed, Nov 22
Week of Nov 20th is final week of this cycle “Nerves of Steel” (12 Weeks) and DELOAD Week.

Strength Warm up

1. Mayhem Hip Halo Activation

* 10 Side step R/L
* 10 Forward/Backwards Walk R/L
* 10 Glute Bridges
* 10 Single Leg Glute Bridges R/L
* 10 Bird Dogs R/L
* 10 Squats

2. Barbell Prep

Burgener Warm Up Clean
Front Squat Skill Transfer Exercises
3x High Hang Clean + 3x Hang Clean + 3x Clean

  • 3-5 reps at each movement for Burgener Warm Up and Skill Transfer *
Pause In the Hole Clean from Below the Knee 3-2-1-1 (Weight)

*Do a set every 2 minutes.

3 Pause In the Hole Clean from Below the Knee @RPE 7
2 Pause In the Hole Clean from Below the Knee @RPE 7.5
1 Pause In the Hole Clean from Below the Knee @RPE 8
1 Pause In the Hole Clean from Below the Knee @RPE 8.5

Metcon Warm-up

1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate

2-3 Sets
:30 Jog
:30 Row
5 Step In and Step Out Burpee
5 Burpee

2. Movement Prep/Activation

1 Set (at workout pace)
3 Burpees to 6 inch Target
200m Row
100m Run

“These are my Thanksgiving Pants.” (Time)

50 Burpees to a 6″ Target

2000 M Row

1 Mile Run

Time Cap 25 Minutes
