CrossFit – Thu, Jun 29

Front Squat Barbell Warm up
3 Sets
3 No Hand (Zombie) Front Squats
3 No Hand (Zombie) Front Squats
3 2 second Pause Front Squats
3 One and a quarter Front Squats
3 In the Hole Front Squats (last rep is a 10 second negative)
Tempo Front Squat + Front Squat (5×4 [3,3,0,0])
from the rack, perform the prescribed number of Tempo Front Squat at the prescribed tempo (down, bottom, stand, top), followed immediately by the prescribed number of regular Front Squat

1 Tempo Front Squat + 3 Front Squat @ 6/10 RPE
1 Tempo Front Squat + 3 Front Squat @ 6.5/10 RPE
1 Tempo Front Squat + 3 Front Squat @ 7/10 RPE
1 Tempo Front Squat + 3 Front Squat @ 7/10 RPE
1 Tempo Front Squat + 3 Front Squat @ 7/10 RPE

Tempo 3 descent; 3 in hole

Pre-MetCon Warm-up

4 minutes moving through:
1:00 Row (moderate)
10 Handstand Scap Retractions
10 PVC Pass Through
10 PVC Overhead Squat
10 Hanging Scap Retraction
5 Tight Hollow Arch Swing
5 Overhead Squat
6 Freestanding Handstand Steps
Warm Up to Overhead Squat weight with 10ft Handstand Walk after each set.

1 Set (at workout pace):
3 Deadlift (135/95)
2 Handstand Push UPs
2 Overhead Squats (135/105)
3 Toes to Bar
10′ Handstand walk

40’s all around (Time)

Partner – Split EVENLY
4 Rounds
40 Deadlifts (135/95)
40 Handstand Push ups
40 Overhead Squats (135/95)
40 Toes to Bar

Buy out: (spit evenly)
50/40 Cal Echo Bike
200′ Handstand walk* (if you fail to walk 5′ you MUST go back 5′)


*Have integrity in your movements especially Handstand walk – Handstand walks starts at the line. If you do NOT walk 5′ at a time (return back to the the last 5′ you completed, i.e 13′ start back at 10′)
**Major Shoulder/Tricep work w/ a bit of Posterior work.
Pick weight of Deadlift/Overhead Squat based on how you will “feel” due Handstand push up and grip deadlifts and toes to bar; additionally, how arms are going to feel for the Bike & handstand walk buy-out.
