12:00 Time Cap
2 Rounds For Time
25 Strict Handstand Push Ups
50 Hang Muscle Clean (75/55)
Strict Handstand Push Up : Push your set a bit to start. We want at least 5+ or you likely need to scale the reps. If you feel great, then see how many you can hang onto right before the redline since it’s only 2 rounds!
Hang Muscle Cleans : Hips, Hips and more Hips! Make sure to not dip under since it’s “Muscle.” Your biceps and forearms will naturally get very taxed so enjoy the pump! Cycle these very fast and take quick breaks as needed.
We’d love 3-4 or less sets. If you can’t do at least 10 at a time then drop the load.
4 Sets:
10 Weighted Hip Thrust @ moderate weight RPE 7
10 Leaning Lateral Raise @ moderate weight RPE 7
-rest 60-90 seconds b/t sets-
4 Sets:
10 GHD Hip Raise @ moderate weight RPE 7
10 Seated Alternating Double DB Shoulder Press @ moderate weight RPE 7
-rest 60-90 seconds b/t sets-
6 minutes moving through:
1:00 Ski OR Row (moderate)
:30 Handstand Hold
5 Negative Handstand Push Up
10 Single Arm High Pull (each arm, moderate)
Warm Up to Hang Muscle Clean weight.
1 Set (at workout pace):
2 Strict Handstand Push Ups
5 Hang Muscle Clean (at workout weight)