CrossFit – Tue, Jun 13


Sumo deadlift reset regular deadlift

Deadlift Barbell Prep
3 Rounds
15 Banded Good Morning
10 Single Arm KB Deadlift R/L (Light-Moderate)
Sumo Deadlift (6-4-2-2-2-2-2)

3 Sumo Deadlifts + 3 Deadlifts @ 7/10 RPE
2 Sumo Deadlifts + 2 Deadlifts @ 7.5/10 RPE
1 Sumo Deadlifts + 1 Deadlifts @ 8/10 RPE
1 Sumo Deadlifts + 1 Deadlifts @ 8.5/10 RPE
1 Sumo Deadlifts + 1 Deadlifts @ 9/10 RPE
1 Sumo Deadlifts + 1 Deadlifts @ 9.5/10 RPE
1 Sumo Deadlifts + 1 Deadlifts @ 10/10 RPE

Pre-MetCon Warm-up

1 set (at workout pace):
10m Sandbag Carry (at workout weight)
20m Dumbbell Farmer Carry (at workout weight)


25:00 Time Cap

Lead Farmer (Time)

200m Sandbag Bearhug Carry (150/100)
400m Dumbbell Farmer Carry (2×70/50)
*every time you break on the Sandbag Carries complete 5 Cleans and every time you break on the Farmer Carry complete 15 Dumbbell Push Ups

Sandbag Bear Hug Carry : 200m is a long way but you can break it up effectively so you minimize breaks and can mentally stay moving. Get that bear hug locked in and don’t waste time puttering around at the start. Pick it up and go!
————Sandbag Clean to Shoulder
——If you dont have access to a sandbag, you may sub a Goblet Hold Dumbbell Carry (100/70) for the Sandbag. Completing 6 Alternating Dumbbell Cleans every break

Double Dumbbell Farmer’s Carry : The load is manageable here but we doubled the distance. A great aim is 100m+ at a time before breaking. Hook grip the dumbbells as it will save you in the long run.
———–Dumbbell Push Ups : Simply move steadily and not rushed through them. You can catch your breath a bit and let your legs get a breather during these.

Post Workout Mobility

2:00 Downward dog to Upward Dog Transition
2:00 Child’s Pose
