CrossFit – Tue, May 16


3 Sets
10 Single Arm Push Press (each side, moderate)
5 Tempo Strict Press (45/35) (3:0:3:0)

Seated Strict Press (5×5)
In seated position (bench, box) -feet touching ground. Barbell in front rack position press barbell overhead with arms locked out (barbell, wrists, elbows, shoulders stacked). Perform amount prescribed.
*To get to seated position you can clean barbell first from ground*

5 Seated Barbell Strict Press @ 7/10 RPE
5 Seated Barbell Strict Press @ 8/10 RPE
5 Seated Barbell Strict Press @ 8.5/10 RPE
5 Seated Barbell Strict Press @ 9/10 RPE
5 Seated Barbell Strict Press @ 9/10 RPE
*10 Dumbbell Push Press (50lb/35lb) after each set.

Pre-MetCon Warm-up

2 Sets
:30 Row (easy to moderate)
:30 Bike (easy to moderate)
5 Arm Single Dumbbell Box Step Up (5 each side) (increase height each set)
10 Russian Kettlebell Swing (moderate)
5 No Jump Burpee

1 set (at workout pace):
150m/100m Row
2 Dumbbell Box Step Overs (at workout height and weight)
250m/200m Bike Erg
2 Devils Press (at workout weight)

Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dum (4 Rounds for reps)

4 sets
Odd Sets (1,3,5)
AMRAP 1 minute 30 seconds
250/200m Row
Max Reps Dumbbell Box Step Overs (2×50/35) (24/20)
-Rest 30 seconds after each set-

Even Sets (2,4,6)
AMRAP 1 minute 30 seconds
500/400m Bike Erg
Max Reps Devils Press (2×50/35)
-Rest 30 seconds after each set-

Max Reps Each Set (max DB Box Step up + Max Devils Press = 1 max rep/Round score)

Post Workout Mobility

1 minute Quad Smash (each side)
1 minute Lacrosse Ball Glute Smash (each side)
1 minute Elbow to Floor Stretch (each side)
