CrossFit – Thu, Apr 20
Teams of 3 (Time)
Teams of 3
12 rounds
400m run (or500m Row or850m Bike) simultaneously
9 Sandbag Squats (150/100) (Or Front Squats (185/125) – 3 per athlete each round
40:00 time cap
Sub 30:00 Optimal
everyone runs 3 miles, performs 36 sandbag front squats (barbell front squats) – For those who are doing this solo.
Murph Prep – Pull ups (Time)
3 unbroken sets of:
5 Strict Pull-ups
right into 10 second “Active” Dead Hang
5 Strict Pull-ups
right into 10 second “Active” Dead Hang
5 Strict Pull-ups
—rest 2 minutes between sets–
Time includes ALL work including rest between sets.
2 Sets
1:00 Run (increase pace each set)
15 Goblet Squat (moderate) OR Front Squat (45/35)
Warm Up to Sandbag Squat OR Front Squat weight.
1 set (at workout pace):
200m Run (together)
2 Sandbag Squats (at workout weight OR 2 Front Squats (at workout weight