CrossFit – Wed, Mar 22


2 Sets
1:00 Row (moderate)
5 Inchworm w/Push Up
10 Single Arm Dumbbell High Pull (each side) (light/moderate)
10 Front Squat (empty bar)
Warm Up to Power Clean and Front Squat weight.

1 Set: (at workout pace)
2 Power Cleans (at workout weight)
2 Front Squats (at workout weight)
2 Burpee Over Bar

Cantaloupe (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 12 Minutes
Power Cleans (115/80)
Front Squats (115/80)
Lateral Burpee Over Bar

Deadlift (4x 10 reps @ – RPE 6-7)
Mechanical Drop Sets (4 Rounds for reps)

4 sets:
5 Strict Pullups
10 Double DB Bent Over Row
Max Bent Over Barbell Row – Underhand Grip

*Mechanical Drop Sets should start with a somewhat strict movement and progressively get easier due to subsequent movements utilizing better mechanical advantage as fatigue sets in on the current exercise. The same weight should be used throughout. Loading should allow the athlete to work the current movement until fatigue begins to affect form, at which point the athlete immediately goes into the next movement, goes to the beginnings of form breakdown, and then repeats with the final movement. A classic example of this is shoulder press into push press into push jerk.s
