CrossFit – Mon, Feb 13


2 Sets
1:00 Row OR Cardio
15 Russian KB Swing (Moderate-Heavy)
15 Banded Air Squat
10 Single Arm Press R/L (Light-Moderate)
Warm Up to Kettlebell weights.

1 set (at workout pace):
2 Kettlebell Swings OR Single Arm Kettlebell Hang Clean (at workout weight)
2 Kettlebell Goblet Squats (at workout weight)
2 Single-arm kettlebell Push Press (at workout weight) (1 each side)

Keep them Bells Ringing (Time)

4 Sets:
12 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
12 Kettlebell Goblet Squats (53/35)
12 Single-arm kettlebell Push Press (53/35) (6 each side)
-rest 1 minute after each set-

Strength Warm up
Back Squat Warm-up
3 Sets:
5 Lateral Box Step Ups (each side)
5 Russian baby makers
5 Tempo “Perfect” Empty Barbell Back Squat (3:1:2:1)
2-3 Pause Snatch balances (empty bar)
Back Squat (3 x 10 Tempo Back Squat @6-7/10 RPE
Tempo: 4 seconds down, 1 second pause at bottom, 3 seconds up, 1 second pause at top

Post Workout Mobility

1 minute Scorpion Stretch
1 minute Downward dog to Upward Dog Transition


wk 1 gymnastics skills

Not for Time but for Quality:

4 rounds:
3 Wall Walks with a 3 second hold at top of handstand [hands on the “standard line”
9 Beat Swings [aka: Kipping Swing] into 6 Kipping Pull Ups OR 6 Kipping Chest to Bar

Score will either be “Kipping Pull Ups” or “Kipping Chest to Bar” depending on what you did
