CrossFit – Thu, Dec 15

Back Squat Warm-up
3 Sets:
5 Lateral Box Step Ups (each side)
5 Russian baby makers
5 Tempo “Perfect” Empty Barbell Back Squat (3:1:2:1)
2-3 Pause Snatch balances (empty bar)

Back Squat (12:00 to Build to a Heavy x 1)

Pre-MetCon Warm-up

8 minutes moving through:
1:00 Cardio (your choice) (moderate)
15 Banded Good Morning
10 PVC Pass Through
10 PVC Overhead Squat
10 V Ups
Warm Up to Deadlift and Overhead Squat weight.

1 Set (at workout pace):
3 Deadlifts (at workout weight)
3 Wall Balls (at workout weight)
3 Overhead Squats (at workout weight)
3 GHD Sit Ups

Partner Workout
Hobbiteses (Time)

4 Rounds
30 Deadlifts (225/155)
40 Wall Balls (20/14)

-Rest 1:30-

4 Rounds
30 Overhead Squats (135/95)
60 GHD Sit Ups

Divide and Conquer

Post Workout Mobility

3-5 minutes of easy cardio (this can be walk, a slow row, machine ride, walk, etc.)
2 minute Couch Stretch (each side)
1-2 minute Lacrosse Ball Glute Smash (each side)
2 minute Spiderman Stretch (each side)
1-2 minute Elbow to Floor Stretch] (each side)
2 minute Frog Stretch
2 minute Pigeon Pose/Stretch (each side)
1-2 minute Quad Smash (each side)
