Yankee Doodle
Warm Up/Mobility
Pre Class Mobility (Banded 7’s & Hip)
1. Crossover Symmetry Activation
OR Banded 7s – perform 7 reps of each movement
7 Banded Pull aparts
7 Diagonal Pulls R
7 Diagonal Pulls L
7 Behind the Neck Press
7 Elbow tucked in ribs Pull apart
7 Shoulder Presses
7 Lat Pull Downs
OR Banded 7s – perform 7 reps of each movement
7 Banded Pull aparts
7 Diagonal Pulls R
7 Diagonal Pulls L
7 Behind the Neck Press
7 Elbow tucked in ribs Pull apart
7 Shoulder Presses
7 Lat Pull Downs
2. Hip Halo Activation
* 10 Side step R/L
* 10 Forward/Backwards Walk R/L
* 10 Glute Bridges
* 10 Single Leg Glute Bridges R/L
* 10 Bird Dogs R/L
* 10 Squats
1:00 Quad Barbell Roll out/side
20 Alt scorpion
5 Tempo Air Squats [3-2-3-1]
20 Alt scorpion
5 Tempo Air Squats [3-2-3-1]
Front Squat + Jerk (4 x (3+1))
From rack perform prescribed number of front squats into prescribed number Split Jerks
8-12 minutes moving through
20/16 Calorie Row (easy to moderate)
10 Standing Banded Arch Hollows
16 Hanging Shrugs
8 Kips
2 Strict Pull Ups
20/16 Calorie Row (easy to moderate)
10 Standing Banded Arch Hollows
16 Hanging Shrugs
8 Kips
2 Strict Pull Ups
1 Set (at workout pace):
4 Pull Ups
3 Chest to bar Pull Ups
2 Bar Muscle Ups
4/3 Calorie Row
17:00 Cap
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
48 Pull Ups
24 Chest to bar Pull Ups
12 Bar Muscle Ups
100/75 Calorie Row
48 Pull Ups
24 Chest to bar Pull Ups
12 Bar Muscle Ups
100/75 Calorie Row
2 Rounds
10 Weighted GHD situps to parallel – plate on chest
8 Barbell Roll out
10 Dip Support Leg Raise
5 Side Star Plank Reach Throughs (each side) (non support leg is raised)
30yd Isolateral DB Suitcase Carry (Right)
30yd Isolateral DB Suitcase(Left)
*Rest as needed between sets.
10 Weighted GHD situps to parallel – plate on chest
8 Barbell Roll out
10 Dip Support Leg Raise
5 Side Star Plank Reach Throughs (each side) (non support leg is raised)
30yd Isolateral DB Suitcase Carry (Right)
30yd Isolateral DB Suitcase(Left)
*Rest as needed between sets.
Post Workout Mobility
1:00/side Banded overhead distraction