The Witch

Warm Up/Mobility
Pre Class Mobility (Banded 7’s & Hip)
1. Crossover Symmetry Activation
OR Banded 7s – perform 7 reps of each movement
7 Banded Pull aparts
7 Diagonal Pulls R
7 Diagonal Pulls L
7 Behind the Neck Press
7 Elbow tucked in ribs Pull apart
7 Shoulder Presses
7 Lat Pull Downs

2. Hip Halo Activation
* 10 Side step R/L
* 10 Forward/Backwards Walk R/L
* 10 Glute Bridges
* 10 Single Leg Glute Bridges R/L
* 10 Bird Dogs R/L
* 10 Squats

Snatch Barbell Prep
Snatch Barbell Prep
A) Burgener Warm up Snatch
3-5 reps at each position

Elbows high and outside – "BAR CLOSE"
Muscle snatch – "STRONG TURNOVER"
Snatch land – "FOOT WORK" 2", 4", 6"
Snatch drop – "FOOT WORK"

B) Skill Transfer Exercises Snatch
3-5 reps of each movement

Snatch grip push press. Feet jumping position "OVERHEAD STRENGTH"
Overhead squat, "CORE STRENGTH"
Heaving Snatch Balance. Feet in landing position. Dip, drive, drop, punch. "FAST HANDS"
Drop Snatch, feet jumping position to landing, no drive, "SPEED UNDER"
Snatch balance, "FOOT AND ARM SPEED"

3x High Hang Snatch + 3x Hang Snatch + 3x Snatch

Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat + Snatch balance (2x (1+2+3) then 3x (1+1+2))
Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat + Snatch balance

Build in Sets
Starting at 55% ending 85% of 1 RM Snatch
Hang Snatch (1×3)
Establish a 3 RM for the day. Then, perform a drop set at 10% and 15% of that 3 RM
Snatch Grip Deadlift (8-6-4-2)
Snatch Grip Deadlift: Based of 1 RM Snatch
8 reps @ 70%
6 reps @ 80%
4 reps @ 90%
2 reps @ 100%

Pre-MetCon Warm-up
1 Set
1:00 Bike or Row
10 Wall Ball Thrusters
5-10 deadlifts (ascending weight)

1 Set (at workout pace):
4 Wall balls (at workout weight)
3/2 Calorie Bike or Row
2 Deadlift (at workout weight)

3:00 Time Cap each set (rounds)
15:00 Total Time Cap (with 1:1 rest)
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
3 Sets
21 Wall balls (20/14)
20/18 Row
9 Deadlift (275/185)
-Rest 1:1 b/t sets-

3 sets:
10 Barbell Shrugs. Use straps (Work up to a heavy 10 rep)
10 Bent-Over Barbell Rows

Holding barbell at hip level
Shrug Shoulders Up and back like a Scap Retraction
3 Sets:
21 Glute Bridges
7 Split Stance Lunge (Elevated rear foot – each side)
7 – 1 and ¼ Goblet Squat (Squat below parallel + up halfway + back below parallel + up all the way)

Metcon (Time)
4 sets
4:00 easy
2:00 moderate
1:00 fast
-Rest 1:00 b/t sets-
-no rest b/t reps-

*Score it TOTAL Time (Including 3 minutes of total rest)
