OR Banded 7s – perform 7 reps of each movement
7 Banded Pull aparts
7 Diagonal Pulls R
7 Diagonal Pulls L
7 Behind the Neck Press
7 Elbow tucked in ribs Pull apart
7 Shoulder Presses
7 Lat Pull Downs
2. Hip Halo Activation
* 10 Side step R/L
* 10 Forward/Backwards Walk R/L
* 10 Glute Bridges
* 10 Single Leg Glute Bridges R/L
* 10 Bird Dogs R/L
* 10 Squats
1 minute bike (easy)
10 air squats
5 Inchworms
30 second single under
10 Med Ball Thruster
1 Set (at workout pace):
5 Wall Balls (at workout weight)
20 Double Unders
150 Wall balls (20/14)
*Every 2 Minutes on the Minute Perform 35 Double Unders
**Start the workout with Wall Balls
Burgener Warm Up Clean
3-5 reps at each position
Elbows high and outside – "BAR CLOSE"
Muscle Clean – "STRONG TURNOVER"
Tall Power Clean – "PULL UNDER", 2", 4", 6"
Tall Clean – "PULL UNDER"
Front Squat Skill Transfer Exercises
3-5 reps of each movement
No Hands (aka Zombie) front Squat
Front Squat
Pause Front Squat (2 Seconds)
One and a quarter front squat
In the hole front squat
Tempo Descent Front squat (10 second descent, no pause, fast up)
3x High Hang Clean + 3x Hang Clean + 3x Clean
5 reps @ 70%
3 reps @ 80%
1 rep @ 90%
3 reps @80%
1 rep @90%
10 Lateral Box(R/L)
10 Single Leg Calf Raises (R/L)
1:00 Side Plank (R/L)
1:00 Seal Stretch
2:00 Child’s Pose
10 Alt Scorpion Stretches (Total)
High knee karaoke (over, over, walk, walk)
Over hurdle (Knee up rotate hips up and over heel, toe)
Knee to chest
Figure 4 (1 sec)
Lunge with reach overhead
Lunge torso twist (Pull hand)
Toe Touches (Opposite hand Opp Leg)
High knee + arm swing
Butt kick + arm swing
Straight Leg Slight Kick(shallow heel)
Side step out and back
Side step jumping jack out and back
Toes out walk
Toes in walk
Heels walk
Toes walk
Outside Foot walk
Inside Foot walk
Seated Arms Only Run Motion (:40 to build speed through arms)
Standing Heels down Arms Only Run Motion (:40 to build speed through arms)
1200m at easy pace
No rest
400m at 1-mile pace
-Rest 3min between sets-
1 rep @ 60%
1 rep @ 65%
1 rep @ 70%
1 rep @ 75%
– rest 60-90 seconds –
1 rep @ 70%
1 rep @ 75%
1 rep @ 80%
1 rep @ 85%
– rest 60-90 seconds –
1 rep @ 75%
1 rep @ 80%
1 rep @ 85%
1 rep @ 85%+