Snoop Dog

Warm Up/Mobility
3 Sets
30 Second Deadbug
5 Tempo Banded Goblet Squats 33X1
10 Tall Kneeling Kettlebell Curl

Back Squat (10-8-8–8)
Back Squat:
10 reps @ 60%
8 reps @ 70%
8 reps @ 75%
8 reps @ 80%
Front Squat (4×5)
5 reps @ 60%
5 reps @ 65%
5 reps @ 70%
5 reps @ 70%

Randy TC is 6:00
then on 8:00
Hefty Randy
Randy (Time)
For Time:
75 Power Snatches, 75# / 55#
In honor of Randy Simmons, 51, a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member who was killed February 6 in the line of duty.
Hefty Randy (Time)
25 Power Snatches (155/105)

TC 6:00

3 Rounds:
15 Bent Over Dumbbell Rows (Each Side)
10 Tempo Goblet Squats (5 second negative, stand up fast)

Post Workout Mobility
1:00 Crescent Lunge Pose (R)
1:00 Warrior II Pose (R)
1:00 Triangle Pose (R)
Repeat on Left Side

Metcon (Distance)
2x 5min at easy pace or SR below 27
-2min rest-
3min at moderate pace or SR b/t 28-32
-2min rest-
30sec at max effort sprint
-10sec rest-
30sec at max effort sprint
-3min rest b/t sets-
