Rowin’ In the Deep

Warm Up/Mobility
–Today’s workout there should be time to do ALL the Lifts and Metcon
8:00 Warm-up

1:00 Row (Easy)/Run 200
10 Medball Squats
5 V Push Ups
5 Jumping Air Squats

2:00 Row (Moderate)/Run 400
10 Medball Squats
5 V Push Ups
5 Jumping Air Squats

2:00 Row (Fast)/Run 400
10 Medball Squats
5 V Push Ups
5 Jumping Air Squats

10 Mins
Front Squat (5,4,3,2,1)
Build to a challenging 1

15:00 TC
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
21/16 Calorie Row
42 Wall balls (20/14)
21/16 Calorie Row
36 Wall Balls (20/14)
21/16 Calorie Row
30 Wall balls (20/14)

Movement Practice
10 Mins total for Both Muscle Snatch and Overhead Squat
*After each muscle snatch perform 1 Overhead Squat to prepare for the next Movement Prep which also includes a heavy single Overhead Squat in the same 10 mins *
Muscle Snatch (1×1)
Overhead Squat (1×1)

Snatch Deadlift + Snatch (5x (1+1))
from the floor, perform the prescribed number of Snatch Deadlifts, followed immediately by the prescribed number of full Squat Snatches without dropping the bar

Deadlift Snatch to Mid Thigh + Snatch
Build Slightly
Deficit Snatch-grip Deadlift (3×3)
perform the prescribed number of Snatch-grip (wide grip) Deadlift from risers (i.e. 45# plates)

105% of best snatch

3 Rounds
1:00 min Plank
30 sec side plank (each side)
30 flutter kicks (each side)

Post Workout Mobility
2:00 Couch Stretch (Each Side)
10 Downward Dog to Upward Dog Transitions

Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)
100’ Handstand walk
6 Rope climbs (15’)
100’ Double kettlebell lunge (2×53/35)
100’ Handstand walk
4 Rope climbs (15’)
100’ Double kettlebell lunge (2×53/35)
100’ Handstand walk
3 Rope climbs (15’)
100’ Double kettlebell lunge (2×53/35)

-Rest 5 minutes-

150’ Handstand walk
5 Rope climbs (15’)
150’ Double kettlebell lunge (2×53/35)

15 TC 1st set
10 TC 2nd Set

Metcon (Time)
3 Sets
500m faster, 2min rest,
400m faster, 90sec rest,
300m faster,
Rest 60sec b/t sets

-Rest add’l 3min-

3x (200m controlled sprint, 15sec rest, 200m recovery walk/jog).
No add’l rest b/t reps or sets.
