Warm Up/Mobility
Elbows high and outside – "BAR CLOSE"
Muscle snatch – "STRONG TURNOVER"
Snatch land – "FOOT WORK" 2", 4", 6"
B) 3x High Hang Snatch + 3x Hang Snatch + 3x Snatch
Elbows high and outside – "BAR CLOSE"
Muscle snatch – "STRONG TURNOVER"
Snatch land – "FOOT WORK" 2", 4", 6"
B) 3x High Hang Snatch + 3x Hang Snatch + 3x Snatch
C) Burgener Warm Up Clean – 3-5 reps at each position
(perform all movements below in the power position (no squat required))
Elbows high and outside – "BAR CLOSE"
Muscle Clean – "STRONG TURNOVER"
Tall Power Clean – "PULL UNDER", 2", 4", 6"
4. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate
3 Sets (Steady movement through the following):
1:00 Cardio (moderate/fast)
3 Snatches (at workout weight 1)
5. Workout Prep (perform after the row)
1 Set: (at workout pace)
2-3 Snatches (at workout weight 2)
1-2 Snatches (at workout weight 3)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
AMRAP 8 Minutes
10 Snatches (95/65)
-Rest 1 minute-
8 Snatches (115/75)
-Rest 1 minute-
6 Snatches (135/95)
-Rest 1 minute-
In remaining time, Max-rep snatches (155/115)
10 Snatches (95/65)
-Rest 1 minute-
8 Snatches (115/75)
-Rest 1 minute-
6 Snatches (135/95)
-Rest 1 minute-
In remaining time, Max-rep snatches (155/115)
25:00 Cap
Metcon (Time)
Partner Workout (Split as desired):
250 Double Unders
100’ dbl DB overhead walk (50’s/35’s)
50 Strict Handstand Push Ups
50 SA OH, SA Front Rack Squats
25 dbl DB Clean and jerks
100’ dbl DB OH Walk
25 dbl DBL Clean and Jerks
50 SA OH, SA Front Rack Squats
50 Strict Handstand Push Ups
100′ dbl DB OH walk(150/100)
250 Double Unders
250 Double Unders
100’ dbl DB overhead walk (50’s/35’s)
50 Strict Handstand Push Ups
50 SA OH, SA Front Rack Squats
25 dbl DB Clean and jerks
100’ dbl DB OH Walk
25 dbl DBL Clean and Jerks
50 SA OH, SA Front Rack Squats
50 Strict Handstand Push Ups
100′ dbl DB OH walk(150/100)
250 Double Unders
Back Squat (6×1)
6 Sets to find heavy x 1
Clean and Jerk (15Min to find x 1)
Metcon (Time)
2000m row
60m handstand walk
5 legless rope climbs
1000m row
40m handstand walk
4 legless rope climbs
500m row
20m handstand walk
3 legless rope climbs
60m handstand walk
5 legless rope climbs
1000m row
40m handstand walk
4 legless rope climbs
500m row
20m handstand walk
3 legless rope climbs
Metcon (Calories)
2 sets:
2:40 at mod, 20sec standing sprint at max effort
2:40 at mod, 20sec seated sprint at max effort
2:40 at mod, 20sec standing sprint at max effort
2:40 at mod, 20sec seated sprint at max effort
2:40 at mod, 20sec standing sprint at max effort
2:40 at mod, 20sec seated sprint at max effort
No rest b/t reps & 5min at easy b/t sets
2 sets:
2:40 at mod, 20sec standing sprint at max effort
2:40 at mod, 20sec seated sprint at max effort
2:40 at mod, 20sec standing sprint at max effort
2:40 at mod, 20sec seated sprint at max effort
2:40 at mod, 20sec standing sprint at max effort
2:40 at mod, 20sec seated sprint at max effort
No rest b/t reps & 5min at easy b/t sets