Fools Rush In
Warm Up/Mobility
3 sets Rowling (Burpee Penalty)
3 sets
5 Wall Ball Thrusters
5 Hanging Scap Retraction
5 Kip Swings
3 Wall Walks
1 set at workout pace
5 Cal Row
2 Chest to Bar
3 Wall Ball Throws (20/14)
2 Toes to Bar
2 Alt Pistols
1 Muscle Up
Metcon (Time)
Divide w/ Partner
Buy In 20 Strict Handstand Push Ups (10/athlete) can do simultaneously)
60 Cal Row
60 Wall Balls (20/14)
60 Toes to Bar
40 Cal Row
40 Alt Pistols
40 Chest to Bar
20 Cal Row
20 Handstand Push Ups (Kipping)
20 Bar Muscle Ups
Buy In 20 Strict Handstand Push Ups (10/athlete) can do simultaneously)
60 Cal Row
60 Wall Balls (20/14)
60 Toes to Bar
40 Cal Row
40 Alt Pistols
40 Chest to Bar
20 Cal Row
20 Handstand Push Ups (Kipping)
20 Bar Muscle Ups
Snatch Balance (3×1)
Power Snatch + Snatch (5×1 (1+1))
Perform a single power snatch, return to the ground, and complete a squat snatch
Paused Front Squat + Front Squat (5×1 (1+1))
perform prescribed number of Front Squat with pause in the bottom + prescribed number of Front Squat
Banded Hip Activation