Fools Rush In

Warm Up/Mobility
Banded 7’s
Banded Hip Activation
3 sets Rowling (Burpee Penalty)

3 sets
5 Wall Ball Thrusters
5 Hanging Scap Retraction
5 Kip Swings
3 Wall Walks

1 set at workout pace
5 Cal Row
2 Chest to Bar
3 Wall Ball Throws (20/14)
2 Toes to Bar
2 Alt Pistols
1 Muscle Up

Metcon (Time)
Divide w/ Partner
Buy In 20 Strict Handstand Push Ups (10/athlete) can do simultaneously)
60 Cal Row
60 Wall Balls (20/14)
60 Toes to Bar
40 Cal Row
40 Alt Pistols
40 Chest to Bar
20 Cal Row
20 Handstand Push Ups (Kipping)
20 Bar Muscle Ups

Snatch Balance (3×1)
Power Snatch + Snatch (5×1 (1+1))
Perform a single power snatch, return to the ground, and complete a squat snatch
Paused Front Squat + Front Squat (5×1 (1+1))
perform prescribed number of Front Squat with pause in the bottom + prescribed number of Front Squat

