Tuesday 2-23
Warm Up/Mobility
2-3 Sets
1 min easy cardio
5 Deadbugs (each side)
5 Deadlifts (empty bar) – Add wt set 2
5 Single Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (light) (each side)
5 hanging scap retractions
5 kip to swing
1 min easy cardio
5 Deadbugs (each side)
5 Deadlifts (empty bar) – Add wt set 2
5 Single Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (light) (each side)
5 hanging scap retractions
5 kip to swing
1 Set: (at workout pace)
3 Deadlifts (at workout weight
3 Double Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (at workout weight)
3 Toes to bar
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Amrap 12
Deadlifts (225/155)
Double Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (50s/35s)
Toes to bar
Deadlifts (225/155)
Double Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (50s/35s)
Toes to bar
Reps total by rounds
1 = 12 2 = 36 3 = 72 4 = 120 5 = 180
1 = 12 2 = 36 3 = 72 4 = 120 5 = 180
3×10 Tempo bench (4:0:3:0)
3×10 Tempo bench over row 4:0:3:0)
3×10 Tempo bench over row 4:0:3:0)
5×5 Bench
~75% of 1RM
Superset with:
5×10 Bent over row
1x Max Reps Bench (Moderate/light)
4 Sets
12 Dumbbell Bench Presses (light/moderate weight)
12 lat pulldown (light/moderate weight)
4 Sets
12 seated row (light/moderate weight)
12 weighted hip extension (light/moderate weight)
Banded Hip Activation